Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pics Straight from the floor at Slamiversary '07!! (Part Seven)

Christopher Daniels taking that annoying hood off his head in a dramatic way. Why do you bother to put it on just to take it off?
This is a picture of Sting coming from the rafters. Or a gorilla in it's natural habitat. I can't tell.
By far the best picture I took all night. Abyss and his pyro.
Tomko heading up a ladder. Convience!
Abyss scaling the scaffolding. Granted there was another ladder, but Abyss just needed to do it the hard way I guess.
Abyss jumping off the scafolding onto Tomko.
Tomko literally 5 feet from me.
And abyss crawling 5 feet from me.
The Wildcat Chris Harris' pyro. It was fairly bright.
And the long awaited 5th member of the King of the Mountain match, Chris Harris.

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